Terms & Legal
Useful documents supporting engagement with our customers
Website Terms and Conditions
The Documents sets out the terms and conditions that apply between website visitor and Engagis in respect of visitor’s use of the www.engagis.com website
Engagis Master Service Agreement
Effective form July 2017. These terms and conditions may be changed by Engagis from time to time without notice to you. Please check the website www.engagis.com/legal-documents for the most up to date version.
Terms and Conditions of Purchase
This document sets out the Terms and Conditions of Purchasing where Engagis Pty Limited (“Company”) purchases goods and services from its supplier (“Supplier”). These terms and conditions may be changed by Engagis from time to time without notice to you. Please check the website www.engagis.com/legal-documents for the most up to date version.
Terms and Conditions of Business
This document sets out the Terms and Conditions of Business where Engagis Pty Limited provides goods and services to its customers (“Customer”). These terms and conditions may be changed by Engagis from time to time without notice to you.
Eze Suite End User Legal Agreement (EULA)
The Documents sets out the terms that apply between customer and Engagis in respect of customer’s use of the EzeSuite Software and the Services.
The EzeSuite Software and Services are offered to customers on the condition that they read and accept this document and agree to be bound by its terms.