We Support

We Support 1

Engagis is a proud supporter of Raise Foundation.

Raise is a youth mentoring movement that operates in schools and communities to ensure that young people feel heard, valued and supported.

Raise was created with an acknowledgment of the following problems and a passion for solving them.

In Australia, suicide is the highest reason for the death of young people.
1 in 3 are without adequate work (either unemployed or underemployed).
Young people face unemployment rates over twice that of the general population.
1 in 10 are completely disengaged from education, employment and training.
1 in 4 have a mental health condition.
But only 36% of young people will seek professional help.


Engagis supports Raise for three key reasons:

1. There is a strong values alignment between Engagis and Raise, particularly around respect, integrity and excellence.

2. Our missions are similar.
Engagis works with Australian businesses to help them grow, develop and engage better with their customers and staff and prioritises the development and learning of staff by providing both challenge and support.
Raise helps young people grow, develop and engage better with their peers, family and community.

3. Engagis has technology and business skills and capability to support Raise.


Engagis supports Raise by:

  • Designing and managing engagement technology solutions to facilitate the recruitment, onboarding, training and placing mentors
  • Encouraging and supporting Engagis staff who would like to become Raise mentors
  • Promotion of, and participation in Raise events
  • Facilitating relationships between business leaders and Raise Foundation.

Learn more about Raise

For strategic partnership discussions, please contact Leon Condon, Engagis CEO and Chairman of Raise Foundation.