Content Production ‘Life Hacks’
3 easy ways to improve your content production for your digital media network
Are you frustrated at how expensive & time consuming it can be to produce effective & attractive content for a digital media network?
It feels like almost all of the marketing budget goes to TV, Mobile, & Web; despite the fact that approximately 95% of purchases are taking place in the real world; with some industries showing that over 50% of customers only make up their mind on what to buy at the point of purchase.
Here are the top 3 tricks that Engagis use to produce hundreds of great quality clips each week, for some of our best clients such as Telstra & 7-Eleven.
1. Templates are the new Black
In the world of digital media – bespoke isn’t better. Customers are often walking past one of these panels in a matter of seconds in a busy shopping centre or store. There’s not need for expansive videography or complex clips.
We recommend & build attractive templates for most content purposes and then avidly wring every bit of use we can from these to produce quick & cost effective new clips with every new promotion, product launch, company update, or photo shoot.
2. We’ve got our eyes on your assets
Why not leverage the amazing content being produced for your TVC’s, Mobile, & Web?
Engagis port in content from brand portals, social media portals, website portals & more to build up an asset library ready for re-purposing into our template designs.
3. Move over Dominos, you can now order your content from our Bot ‘Chuck’
These days you can order your favourite pizza through a chatbot with an emoticon ?. You can have real conversations with one of the worlds most advanced AI instances to customise & instruct your delivery.
Engagis have taken it one step further, and we have created an AI intance we’ve named ‘Chuck’. He can create content as simple as a happy birthday video to someone based on their Facebook data, media & preferences; right through to digitally rendering entire cars or properties from CAD drawings.
To get the most value from our real designers, we push all of our repetitive & well defined content production through Chuck to enable us to produce several hundred good quality clips a week – enabling true personalisation & localisation at scale… without breaking the budget.
So, next time you’re about to brief in a new campaign or content production brief have a think about what you can standardise, what you can steal, and what you can outsource to the future.