Why You Should Replace Print With Digital Signage Solutions

With rapidly advancing technology, companies across the globe have turned their marketing strategies from print to digital signage displays. However, static signage still lingers in a considerable number of businesses. There are countless reasons to replace print with digital signage (if you haven’t already) – here are just a few.


Digital signage solutions are the way forward, as evidenced by countless industry-leading companies transitioning to digital worldwide. Industries such as retail, banking and telecommunications (among many others) are enjoying the benefits of modernised digital signage.

One of the key benefits digital signage has over static signage – aside from long-term cost and environmental impact – is aesthetics. Customers respond well to modern, sleek digital signage, as it positions your brand as forward-thinking and future-focused. Digital signage can also display dynamic content at a higher rotation (changing weather, a cycling range of offers/promotions) – making your digital content more engaging and impactful.


Most notably, choosing to replace print signage helps ease the strain on our environment that mass production causes. Print signage options are static by nature, and need replacing at the end of each campaign cycle, giving them a limited display life, anywhere from a few days to a few months.

Digital signage solutions, despite having a higher initial outlay, are adaptable and can house changing content for the lifespan of the screen. This higher outlay is made worthwhile when compared to the cost of printing and installing new print signage every campaign, as well as the labour attached with installation and removal at regular intervals.

Impress and Storya

Engagis’ own content management system (CMS), Impress, has the power to upload and publish tailored content, relevant to your customers and to the local community. When paired with our content automation solution, Storya, Impress can cut messaging delivery times from upwards of four weeks to as little as half an hour, through the use of pre-approved templates.

Fast delivery of localised messaging through a cloud-based CMS is something print signage simply can’t match. Displaying content through Impress is incredibly easy, saving reprinting messaging every month and waiting for it to arrive. Fluid, dynamic content is more influential with customers and passers-by, and gives you a better chance to reach the people you’re looking for.

Successful Examples of How to Replace Print

Companies around the world and closer to home alike have successfully chosen to replace print signage of the 00’s and 10’s in favour of the effective digital solutions customers see today. Engagis have helped businesses in a range of industries install and get the most out of their digital signage screens, including Telstra, Sennheiser, Suncorp and Mazda.

These companies are now rightfully seen as modern and industry-leading, helped in no small part by their digital signage displays.

Find out how digital signage solutions can work for you – contact us today.

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