Zwilling at Myer

Business Challenge

Zwilling, is a German manufacturer of premium cookware including knives crockery, cutlery and saucepans.

Getting attention in a crowded retail space is always challenging, but more challenging for Zwilling because it has a high price point and a broad product range. Matching the right product to each buyer is difficult to do quickly – and retail staff are not always experts.

What Zwilling learned was that purchasing generally starts in one of two ways. Firstly, the browsing shopper would choose a product that ‘looks like what they want’, but then needs more information around specifications and when and how the product should be used. Secondly, some shoppers have a need or problem in mind, or a general product category, but have no idea what product is best for them.

Zwilling needed to help shoppers make the right choice and give them sufficient comfort to make a purchase decision.


To help shoppers select the right product, Engagis installed an interactive touchscreen with self-discovery application within the Zwilling retail area in Myer (Sydney CBD), that allows shoppers to explore the Zwilling product range, find out detailed product information and ensure that the product will do what the customer needs it to do.

Shoppers can start by scanning a QR code tag on a particular product which brings up all the relevant details about that particular product: specifications, price and suitability for various applications.

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Alternatively, shoppers can start at the interactive touchscreen, and explore the Zwilling product range by starting at broad categories such as knives, cookware, tableware, kitchen gadgets, new arrivals and special offers. Clicking into each category then brings up more specific product ranges within that category such as pans, woks, pots, ovenware, etc. By then clicking into the relevant category, the shopper can then look at specific products within that range and access an extensive range of helpful information. Images and videos of products in use are also available which brings the products to life and makes them more appealing.

The interactive application also asks the shopper what type of cooktop they have so the right products can be recommended.


With the interactive touchscreen solution, Zwilling is less dependent on the skills and availability of retail staff. In fact, it is like having an additional salesperson with perfect product knowledge.

The application is self-service which is increasingly how shoppers like to operate. The customer is more engaged in the process, which is guided self-discovery, and this makes them more committed to purchase.

Zwilling is using the application and touchscreen to improve customer engagement and drive incremental sales.