Ordering Stock In Time For EOFY



Many retailers are looking into their in-store tech solutions for EOFY and realising they may not be able to hit their target timelines, due to impacts from the supply chain crisis, staff shortages and the global computer chip shortage. These events are exponentially increasing delivery lead times and putting EOFY plans for some solutions at risk. To assess whether plans are impacted and to avoid getting stuck, retailers need to move fast – and Engagis can help.

We’re Able To Source:

 Digital Signage Solutions and associated peripherals

 Interactive kiosks, touch screens and associated peripherals

 Audio/Visual Technology

While it’s already too late for some, Engagis may be able to help deliver your in-store technology products before EOFY. Contact us and let us know what you’re trying to deliver, and we’ll run a quick and easy stock availability assessment to see if we can help get you what you need, or provide an alternative solution based on your requirements.

You may still be able to deliver on your EOFY targets, but the time to take action is now. Contact Engagis today to see where we can help.

Find Out More

Fill in the form to find out more on how we can help you source solutions in time for EOFY.