24 Hour Helpdesk Support Services

ISO Certified

Engagis is ISO certified and is recognised as a leader in the support of large and complex digital networks.

Our bringing together of rigorous, enterprise grade design, staging, testing and support processes means we deliver 99+% uptime on site and 99.9% uptime on our content management system.

24/7 Support

Engagis offers 24/7 customer support where calls are answered by one of our fully trained support team. Customers can choose remote support (Essential Support) or remote plus field support (Enterprise support). Enterprise support customers also receive periodic reports on the performance of their network providing valuable insights for system management.

SLA’s give you peace of mind

Engagis manages and supports Australia’s largest and most complex digital media networks and maintains a workforce of hundreds of certified and experienced technicians and a dedicated team for each client. This is backed by strong service level agreements with our partners and vendors.

Proactive Monitoring

We are committed to ensuring our customers’ networks are trouble free, so our support centre proactively monitors our customers’ networks which means in many cases, we solve problems before our customers are even aware of them. Engagis has state of the art management tools for monitoring, patches and upgrades. We monitor network connectivity and media players to make sure there is sufficient storage, there are no intrusions and we can apply patches remotely as required.

Insights gained from our monitoring help us understand the root causes of any issue and allow us to work with our customers to continually improve their digital networks.

Warranty Management

Engagis also updates customers on the warranty status of their devices to facilitate the management of devices that are approaching warranty expiration and we track every customer device to serial number level.

If replacment parts are required, our support team liaises with our warehouse and manages all the logistics to quickly resolve any issue.

Make sure you know what you are getting

Some providers make promises but it’s only after you’re committed that you will feel the pain of poor support.

Here is a checklist of things to look for when you are evaluating digital media service providers.

Download Engagis Support Services document