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The 5 Deadly Retail Fails

Retail Fails

Unhappy and disappointed customer giving low rating and negative feedback in survey, poll or questionnaire. Sad and dissatisfied man giving review about service quality. Bad user experience.

Sometimes you walk into a store and something just feels… off. It can be hard, even impossible, to put your finger on – but something in there isn’t working. When you see this as often as we do, patterns start to emerge – here are 5 deadly retail fails that are all too common.

Not Going With The Flow

Have you ever walked into a retail store and felt a bit confused? Like there’s no structure, or everything feels a bit chaotic? This is what happens when there’s no natural flow in-store.

Our digital signage solutions form part of the look and feel of a retail business and can help improve the layout and flow of your store, just as it has with brands such as Telstra and Suncorp, who enjoy open and well-flowing sites Australia-wide. Screen style and messaging selection can be specifically tailored to the different zones of a store to better support the intentions and environment of each particular area.

Using 2010’s Signage

The digital world moves fast, and things become outdated quickly (except Snake). Retail stores fall prey to this time and again by not keeping their digital signage state-of-the-art – you don’t need to be investing in new technology every year, but walking into a store and seeing tired screens with poor content turns customers off instantly. On top of this, displays have a higher failure rate the older they get – the only thing worse than a tired screen is one not working at all.

Digital Displays That Aren’t Working Hard

Tired screens are just one example of a digital display that isn’t working hard enough in a retail setting. Engagis provide world-class digital screens and large LED displays for companies such as ANZ, Suncorp and Telstra – these installations not only look stunning, but they put in some serious work making their sites stand out.

Moving away from lazy displays or signage screens and getting towards ones that really work for you is a major step to avoiding other deadly retail fails.


Waiting in Lines

One of the worst mistakes companies consistently make is letting a poor queuing system go unchecked. Sometimes lines are unavoidable, whether they be physical or digital, but nobody wants to be stuck in them if they don’t have to be.

Engagis can help solve this problem through a data-driven queue management solution which displays live wait times and can notify customers of their progress in the queue via SMS, allowing them to continue with their day while they remain in the queue. These options vastly improve the experience of the customer and the store alike.

Working Without Kiosks

Having kiosks at the end of aisles is no doubt a luxury some stores simply don’t have the room to accommodate. However, bigger stores that aren’t making use of these are missing out on technology that makes customers’ lives infinitely easier, as well as putting a spotlight on items too big for display. Engagis have installed kiosks such as these for Kmart, and many other retailers have made use of similar technology as well. Not employing these if your store has the capability is one of the biggest retail fails that makes your customers’ lives harder, and in turn, your staff’s as well.


These 5 retail fails are deadly and can turn off customers straight away – Engagis are professionals at avoiding them. If your store suffers from any of these retail fails, get in touch with us today. Fill out the form below:

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